Roti vs Naan: Differences and Recipes Explain

Introduction to Roti vs Naan

Roti vs Naan? What is the difference?

The short answer is that naan is made with yeast, which gives it a lighter and softer texture compared to roti. But both roti and naan are great and each serves its purpose.

In the vast tapestry of Indian and Caribbean cuisine, roti and naan stand out as two popular and beloved unleavened flatbreads. They are often served alongside delicious curry dishes like butter chicken and keema naan. In this blog post, we will dive into the main differences between roti and naan, their cooking methods and ingredients, and explore the wide variety of flavors and textures they offer.

Understanding Roti in India

Roti is a traditional Indian unleavened flatbread that is commonly found in households across the Indian subcontinent and Caribbean. In India, it is made with whole wheat flour, also known as atta flour, which gives it a wholesome and nutty flavor. The dough for roti is typically made by combining whole wheat flour with warm water and a pinch of salt. The soft dough is then rolled out using a rolling pin and cooked on a flat skillet or tawa.

Roti is known for its chewy texture and is a staple in Indian meals. It pairs well with various vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, making it a versatile choice for any meal.

Roti in the Caribbean Diaspora

In Trinidad and Guyana, and the wider Caribbean, there are several different types of roti, each with a unique cooking method, that are enjoyed as part of the local cuisine.

These rotis have their own unique flavors and preparation methods. Let's explore some of the popular types:

  1. Dhalpuri Roti: Dhalpuri roti is a delicious and flavorful roti that is stuffed with a seasoned and spiced split pea filling. The split peas are soaked overnight, ground into a paste, and mixed with various spices such as cumin, turmeric, and garlic. The dough is then rolled out, filled with the split pea mixture, and cooked on a hot griddle or tawa. Here's a recipe for Dhalpuri Roti you can try.
  2. Paratha Roti: Paratha roti, also known as "buss up shut," is a flaky and layered roti that is loved for its soft and buttery texture. The dough for paratha roti is made with flour, water, and ghee or oil. It is then rolled out, brushed with ghee or oil, folded into layers, and cooked on a griddle or tawa. You can find a recipe for Paratha Roti to recreate this delightful roti.
  3. Sada Roti: Sada roti, also known as plain roti or saada roti, is a simple and versatile roti that is made using only flour, water, and salt. The dough is prepared by kneading the ingredients together and then rolling it out into thin rounds. Sada roti is cooked on a tawa or griddle until it puffs up and develops light brown spots. Check out this recipe for Sada Roti to make it at home.
  4. Dosti Roti: Dosti roti, meaning "friendship roti," is a unique type of roti that consists of two layers fused together. The dough for dosti roti is made by combining flour, water, and salt. Two thin rounds of dough are rolled out and stacked on top of each other with a layer of oil or ghee in between. It is then cooked on a griddle or tawa until it becomes golden brown and flaky. If you want to try making dosti roti, here's a recipe you can follow: Dosti Roti Recipe.

These recipes will guide you through the process of making each type of roti, allowing you to recreate these delicious treats in your own kitchen. Enjoy experimenting with the flavors and techniques and savor the authentic tastes of Trinidadian and Guyanese cuisine!

Unveiling the Secrets of Indian Naan

Naan, another popular Indian flatbread, has its own distinct characteristics that set it apart from roti. Naan is typically made with a combination of all-purpose flour and yeast, which gives it a lighter and softer texture compared to roti. The dough for naan is often enriched with yogurt, warm water, and sometimes even eggs, resulting in a soft and pliable dough.

Traditionally, naan is cooked in a tandoor oven, a clay oven that imparts a unique smoky flavor. The intense heat of the tandoor oven creates crispy edges and brown spots on the naan, adding to its appeal. However, homemade naan can also be prepared on a flat skillet or cast iron pan, capturing the essence of this delicious bread.

Roti vs Naan Flavors

Both roti and naan offer a wide range of flavors and varieties to tantalize your taste buds. Let's take a closer look at some popular types:

  • Garlic Naan: Infused with the aroma and flavor of garlic, this naan is a favorite among garlic lovers.
  • Butter Naan: Brushed with melted butter, this naan is rich, indulgent, and pairs perfectly with saucy dishes.
  • Keema Naan: Stuffed with spiced minced meat, keema naan adds a savory twist to your meal.
  • Laccha Naan: With its layered and flaky texture, laccha naan is a treat for the senses.
  • Roomali Roti: A thin and delicate bread, often served with kebabs and other grilled delights.

Type of Flour

In both India and the Caribbean, you would typically use wheat flour to make roti and naan. The type of wheat flour can vary, and the specific type you use may depend on regional preferences and availability. Here are the common types of wheat flour used for making roti and naan in both regions:

1. Indian Roti and Naan:

   - Chapati Flour (Atta): In India, whole wheat chapati flour, also known as atta, is commonly used to make roti and whole wheat naan. It is made from durum wheat and has a fine texture.

   - All-Purpose Flour (Maida): All-purpose flour is often used for making naan in India, especially when a softer and fluffier texture is desired.

2. Caribbean Roti:

   - All-Purpose Flour: In the Caribbean, all-purpose flour is commonly used to make roti. The dough is typically made with water and sometimes a little oil or fat to create a soft and pliable texture.

It's worth noting that the type of flour used can influence the texture and taste of the final product. In India, different regions and households may have their own variations in the type of flour and other ingredients used for roti and naan. Similarly, in the Caribbean, the exact recipe for roti dough can vary from one island or family to another.

Nutritional Value and Personal Preference

In terms of nutritional value, roti made with whole wheat flour offers a healthier option, as it is rich in dietary fiber. However, roti or naan made with all-purpose flour can still be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet and culture.

The choice between roti and naan often comes down to personal preference. Some individuals prefer the hearty and chewy texture of roti, while others savor the softness of naan. It all depends on your taste and the specific dish you're enjoying.


Roti and naan are both popular Indian flatbreads that have captured the hearts and palates of people around the world. While roti offers a wholesome and chewy experience, naan delights with its soft texture and variety of flavors. Whether you're enjoying a traditional meal or exploring the depths of Indian cuisine at a restaurant, the choice between roti and naan ultimately depends on your personal preference and the dish you're savoring.

So, the next time you indulge in a curry or any other Indian delight, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of these flatbreads. Whether it's the simplicity of roti or the indulgence of naan, they are sure to enhance your dining experience and leave you craving for more.

Trinidad Dosti Roti

Dosti Roti, also known as Paratha, is a popular flatbread in Trinidad and Tobago. It's a delightful and versatile dish that can be enjoyed with various curries and chutneys. Here's a recipe for making Trinidad Dosti Roti:
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  • For the Dough:
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Water as needed
  • For the Filling optional, but traditional:
  • 2-3 medium-sized potatoes boiled and mashed
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil


Prepare the Dough:

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour and salt.
  • Add the vegetable oil and start adding water gradually while kneading to form a soft, smooth dough. Knead for about 5-7 minutes until it's elastic.
  • Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.

Prepare the Filling (if using):

  • In a separate pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat.
  • Add the cumin seeds and let them sizzle for a few seconds.
  • Add the turmeric powder and mashed potatoes.
  • Season with salt and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes until the filling is well combined and heated through.
  • Remove from heat and let it cool.

Assemble the Dosti Roti:

  • Divide the dough into small, equal-sized portions (about the size of a golf ball).
  • Take one portion of the dough and roll it into a small ball. Then, flatten it with your hands to create a small disc.

Add the Filling (if using):

  • Place a small portion of the potato filling in the center of the disc.

Seal the Roti:

  • Gather the edges of the disc to encase the filling and form a ball again.
  • Roll it between your palms to make a smooth ball.

Roll out the Roti:

  • Dust a clean surface and rolling pin with some flour.
  • Take a filled dough ball and gently roll it out into a thin, flat circle. Be careful not to tear it. You may need to dust with more flour to prevent sticking.

Cook the Dosti Roti:

  • Heat a griddle or flat pan over medium-high heat.
  • Place the rolled-out roti onto the hot griddle.
  • Cook for about 1-2 minutes until small bubbles start to form on the surface.

Flip and Cook:

  • Flip the roti and cook the other side. You can brush it with a little oil or ghee for extra flavor if you like.


  • Once both sides are golden brown, remove the roti from the griddle and place it on a plate.
  • Continue this process with the remaining dough balls.
  • Serve Warm:
  • Dosti Roti is best enjoyed warm with your favorite Trinidadian curries or chutneys.


Note: This blog post was written based on research and knowledge of Indian cuisine. For accurate information about specific recipes or cultural practices, it is always best to refer to authentic sources or consult with experts in the field.

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